django-cotton β First Impressions
pwa-install β First Impressions
Camera Permission Detector in a Webapp
Inline @scope
for CSS
for CSS
ClickHouse Aggregations and Django
EventSource: Native Browser Streaming API
Getting Started with Clickhouse
Setup HTTPS with letsencrypt for a new server
Free Docker Disk Space
Face Recognition, Part 2: Face Detection
Face Recognition, Part 1: What is it?
How to fix the error "/bin/sh: 1: source: not found"?
JS (and) Crafting #12 β Modern JS Workshop, Static Initialization Block, Private Class Fields, GoodJobs and Nicola Pellow
JS (and) Crafting #11 β Grace Hopper, FinalizationRegistry, escape() and unescape(), CSS Nesting
JS (and) Crafting #10 β ECMAScript Specification Growth, CSS Math Functions, Tota11y Bookmarklet
JS (and) Crafting #9 β ECMAScript Version 1, Static Initialization Blocks, roc-lang,
new AsyncFunction
the Async Version of new Function
new AsyncFunction
the Async Version of new Function
Hacker Movies Watch List
a file in reverse
a file in reverse
How to turn on Timezone Support for MariaDB?
MariaDB Cheatsheet
Strict Types in C99
Unit Testing C99 Embedded Code
Modern Dev Stuff applied to C99 Development
Dependency Injection in C99
Git Diff of just one Commit
Django read-only Model
Fast Docker Volumes on MacOS Ventura using Colima
Learning Makefile(s)
C the extern
Verbose docker build
Docker on MacOS (without Docker Desktop)
Bit-Fields in C
Docker and Time
Learning node-RED
Node-RED Setup with Docker and Versioning
Linux Platform for Dockerfile
JavaScript Notebook (jupyter inspired)
Understanding React Native's onLayout
Attribute (a bit)
Attribute (a bit)
[WIP] Learning ReScript - Part 4 (Tuples)
[WIP] Learning ReScript - First Conclusions
Learning ReScript - Part 3 (Format, Start Typing)
Learning ReScript - Part 2 (rescript Command)
Learning ReScript - Part 1 (Intro, Setup)
Redux, Context or What
Immutable States Done Right with Immer
Hermes Analysis
Hermes - Mobile JavaScript Engine
ArchUnit For JavaScript - archijs
A Hexagonal Blog (in JavaScript)
How to Convert Images to webp (and use them)
Advices, not only for Rails Projects
Hexagonal Architecture (in JavaScript)
Cancel a fetch request using AbortController
What's an "Unary" Operator?
Codeberg Repo as npm Dependency
React: Hooks vs. Saga
TestJSSummit - Notes for Day 2
TestJSSummit - Day 1
Every Day is Refactoring Day
Six Working Flexbox Layouts
CSS Preloading - Superior To Bundling?
More Readable Tests, Docs, ...
[this is still a draft]
Building the parseInt()
Docker vs. docker-compose
Why I Use Docker for Every Project
docker-compose and Export $PATH
Choosing a new Template Engine
Why Does my Media Query Not Work?
HTML Element <dfn>
Learning nginx
Start Dockerized Apps on Boot, on Linux
the Missing Docs
the Missing Docs
esbuild Learnings
Website Speed - Lab and Field Tools
React Native Learnings
How Jest Reveals Test Smells
React Native Android Cheatsheet
Android Ripple Effect - Analyzed
Style the React-Native Picker Component
[this is still a draft]
Hacking Android Styles
is supplied by the Android Support Library
is supplied by the Android Support Library
React Native Picker Repo Moved (Again)
Which Attributes can I style in Theme.AppCompat
Resource Timing - Part 3 (Waterfall Chart)
Resource Timing - Part 2 (Loading Dependencies)
Resource Timing - Part 1 (The API)
Restore deleted git branch
adb Learnings
Purpose Driven
Start the Right Android Emulator
China an Overview
My Git Cheatsheet
Make Blog Content Previews work on all Social Media
Tim Berners-Lee about WWW
React Native Picker - Still Maintained?
- JavaScript Decimal Places
- JavaScript Decimal Places
Social Dilemma
Almost One Month at Sono Motors
ML for VRT - Part 4: Neural Networks
ML for VRT - Part 3: Hands On
ML for VRT - Part 2: Learning Keras
ML for VRT - Part 1 (was: Machine Learning vs. Screenshot Comparing?)
Technical Debt is Anything Preventing You From Developing Fast
Photovoltaic on a Car
ECMAScript Module Support in nodejs
Clean Architecture Book to Read?
OpenSource Firmware is Important
Web API ValidityState
Docker - The Improved Commands
Why I Move to Codeberg
[this is still a draft]
Web Component From Scratch Notes
Open Source Sustainability
NodeJS Architecture Applied
What does "sic" mean?
Is it Github "Actions" or "Workflow"?
Github Action Features
Trigger Github Action by External Event
Michael Feathers on Functional Code
My Reproducable (Development) Environment
CSS - rem
and em
[this is still a draft]
and em
WebStorm: "New File" Creates Directories and File
Pseudo-Class :defined
Under the Hood
Under the Hood
HTML Elements not Upgradable to CBEs
CSS writing-mode
Lets Make the JavaScript World Accessible (Again)
Learning CSS Grid - 2????
[this is still a draft]
Learning CSS Grid - Basics
[this is still a draft]
hq - Static Server, No Bundling
Correcting the Line Length
Learning reddit
Setting a Cookie: use Max-Age!
Disclosure Widgets - by Adrian Roselli
How Does JavaScript Behave when Cookies are Disabled?
The Unicode Character for the Hamburger Menu Icon β°
Flow Infers Types "Local" to Modules β€οΈ
mov to gif converter
My new friend: WebStorm's "Split vertically" for the Terminal
TypeScript for JavaScript
Deno 1.0, TypeScript 3.9
TypeScript for JavaScript - Part 1 (Setup)
Clone Behavior of <script>
CSS Reset
Learned From "Don't Make Me Think"
We donβt give people a website any more
The History of the Web
Brutalist Web Design - Bundler Free Development
Make arr[0]
Fail Safe
Fail Safe
My Export
WebStorm Live Templates Rock (Again)
Accessibility (and) Tools
Developer Experience over User Experience - Ouch
GitUp v1.1.3 is out
HTML Design Principles
The End User Always has Ultimate Control
Install Chromium (or a Package that needs it) inside Docker
Find Files and Execute Command with Each
Very Fast Docker Image Build - Without Context
Web Accessibility in Mind
HTML Validators
Than vs. Then
Dive into HTML5 - Mark Pilgrim (and community)
and $$
- Shortcut for document.querySelector[All]()
and $$
- Shortcut for document.querySelector[All]()
HTML element
HTML element
Semantic HTML: Usage of Headings, Sections
OKRs are Works in Progress
Diff of the Files in Two Directories
Capitalization Rules for Headlines
MacOS Screenshot of the Current Window Only
Free Disk Space Used by Docker
Upgrade npm Package to Latest Version
Build, Measure, Speed, Repeat
A developer designs
Is outlining worth it?
Tips and Template for a good README
Learn about URL parsing in real life
TestStitcher can handle many files
Site stitcher made this page
Tests using process.cpuUsage
and process.memoryUsage
and process.memoryUsage
Mocha's Magic done
JS People on
Code Editor with built-in Refactor
Use #jslang knowledge to dive deeper into #JavaScript
Mentorship Meetup #3 - November 2019
JSCamp Barcelona - Recap
[this is still a draft]
JSCodeRetreat #13, Tetris again
JSCodeRetreat #12 using Tetris
Mikado Method Essentials
Mikado Method to install a Vim Plugin
EnterJS, ES6, ES8 and Typing with Flow
Async Function Kata at #jslang Meetup
JS (and) Crafting #8 β Writing is hard
JS (and) Crafting #7 β JS CraftCamp, PWA, Prettier, Technical Debt, Exceptions, Abstraction, Robert Taylor
JS (and) Crafting #6 β React Practices, WebStorm, Next.js, Angular 4.0.0
JS (and) Crafting #5 β Web Share, Node 7.6, Automated Testing Strategy, Mentoring
JS (and) Crafting #4 β Sketch, ESLint, Classes, Howler.js
Discover and Extract Dependencies
JS (and) Crafting #3 β Outdated JS libs, async/defer, wasm, 99 Bottles of OOP, katalog, practicing initiatives
Purescript #5 - Compiling for the browser
[this is still a draft]
Purescript #4
[this is still a draft]
Purescript #3 - Build tool, pulp
JS (and) Crafting #2 β Purescript, WeakRefs, TDD, Abstraction, SoCraTes, Fraktus
Purescript #2 - Installing
Purescript #1 - the semantics of JavaScript with types
JS (and) Crafting #1 β Source Maps, V8, Eff Monad, Clean Code, Smoke, Hash Lifetimes - imagery for a website
Find out which process listens on which port
GitUp rox
More explicit assert with hamjest
[this is still a draft]
Comments inside JSX
ADR for documenting decisions
What is -%}
for, in a Jinja Template? or The Magic Dash in a Jinja Template Block
for, in a Jinja Template? or The Magic Dash in a Jinja Template Block
Shall a (rest) API receive JSON or "standard" POST params?
The best explaination of the Liskov Principle - by Allen Holub
React LifeCycle
Bookmark collect, February 2016 #2
Bookmark collect, February 2016 #1
Understanding rake in order to keep on reading "Objects on Rails"
Discovering ruby #5
Discovering ruby #4
The six hats
How Ember methods become computed properties
Bookmark collect, December 2015
Exploring emberjs
User stories
Discovering ruby #3
What is object-oriented programming?
Rails Getting Started (and hooked)
Run delta-flora
Discovering ruby #2
Decoupling from Rails
Ruby refactoring for vim
Approval Testing
Discovering ruby #1
Where do my tests go OR Run mocha tests with WebStorm IDE
Don't promisify fs.exists
Get Babel 6 up and running
Comparing TDD to double-entry book keeping
Treat Your Code as a Crime Scene - Adam Tornhill
Design Patterns
Uncle Bob about Plugin Architectures
Inheritance, Polymorphism & Testing
Design Patterns for Sorting - a paper
C# v6 goodies
Bookmark collect, October 2015 #2
Rethink DB
Value Objects and Business Objects or Values and Objects
gr8craft - Walking Skeleton
Uncle Bob - Architecture: The Lost Years
Estimation is evil
Bookmark collect, October 2015 #1
Bookmark collect, May 2015
Cohesion and Coupling explained
The keynote of keynotes
Alan Kay On Messaging
OO (with Message passing) - explained by Sandi Metz
field in npm's package.json
field in npm's package.json
Pharo - object-oriented programming language and a powerful environment
"I made it object-oriented"
Decoupling explained from a different angle -