crafting (and) JavaScript

Tidbits tagged with #git (8)


Git Diff of just one Commit

I was wondering how I can see the change of one git commit, I want to see ONLY the changes of this commit, not compared to any other or alike, found it: git diff <hash>~ <hash>. Welcome in git wonderland :).


Node-RED Setup with Docker and Versioning

As described before, I am learning node-RED. The first thing though that I always want to ensure is that a project can be cloned (from git) and run with (ideally) just one click.
For this the defacto standard nowadays is docker, which allows to set up an environment that can be reproduced on any system and therefore also allows to reduce the cost of setup, sync, and it improves easier collaboration.
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Restore deleted git branch

I had deleted a git branch locally, which I wanted to restore. It's totally easy. A tiny bit of knowledge upfront. There is something called the reflog, it's kinda like the hidden git history, that knows every change you did on the repo, every change, and it does NOT throw away anything.
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My Git Cheatsheet

Since I moved to Linux for work I started to look up and collect the git commands I need most. On Linux I do not have my beloved GitUp app which is an amazing visual and fully keyboard controllable git tool available for MacOS only. Here is my list of git commands. As usual I created this collection so I know where to copy+paste commands from ;).
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