crafting (and) JavaScript

Tidbits tagged with #software-design (10)


Shall a (rest) API receive JSON or "standard" POST params?

This topic came up today when we discussed the #crewmeister API, and made me think. Until I remembered that we once in a project used to use the pure POST params, which are basically key-value pairs. And the question also reminded me of my PHP times, there the server-side knew how to handle a key which looks like user[0] and builds and array. But when I ran into that problem back then we used to use python and there we didn't have that.
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#software design

gr8craft - Walking Skeleton

Unfortunately I missed Franziska's session at SoCraTes 2015 on this topic, but fortunately she wrote about it, make sure to also read through her commits backwards, of course :). Very nice and readable! An article "Kickstart your next project with a Walking Skeleton" she referred to, that explains the process too. While reading more and more of the [c2 wiki] I am asking myself where is the difference to a spike which Kent Beck defined as
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