Tidbits tagged with #collect (6)
This sticks out, so far :)
Avdi Grimm's article about the law of demeter, reading it including all commetsn until the end will take a bit of time but is exactly what explains a lot of things that imho we do wrong in lots of software we write, I am working on improving myself around it. For the completeness here is the paper initially laying out the law of demeter.
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Just programming stuff, e.g.
react alternatives,
ruby and
various other stuff.
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This collection has links on privacy and Edward Snowden,
and others about HTML5, security, coding, testing, etc..
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This edition has links about Constructing a URL,
Mutation Testing
and 15 links under "Various".
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Just five items, one link and comments to Reginald Braithwaite's "Invent the future"
and four others.
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The first section has some links on crafting, development, tools
and below 8 more links on JavaScript, mainly ES6.
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