crafting (and) JavaScript

Tidbits tagged with #tools (29)


React: Hooks vs. Saga

I am currently working on a React Native app that uses redux saga heavily. My main concern with it is the traceability of code that goes together, the modularization. It is hard, if not impossible to know what belongs together, what is needed in combination with what.
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Docker vs. docker-compose

After clarifying why I use Docker for every project I set up let me try to clarify also: Why would I use a docker-compose setup over a single Dockerfile setup? I had been doing the single Dockerfile setup for quite a while. I was doing a lot of manual work, that made the setup work. But I don't regret it, it taught me a lot! But that was not sustainable, and it didn't scale.
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Why I Use Docker for Every Project

I used to install everything on my machine. I used to have ruby, nodejs, python, java, rebol, red and all the programming languages and environments, their packagers and tools I needed installed on my machine. It was heaven. Except for the moment when I had to install a new tool, that needed a newer version, and the old ones might broke and then I had to choose or reinstall every time, switch to rvm, nvm, pyenv or something else. For a while vagrant was cool.
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Choosing a new Template Engine

I have been using tundra as template engine for this site. And I am thankful for it, but it's time to move on. I mainly chose it because it is tiny, has no dependencies and it has the features I was looking for. It just does the things I am used to from django-like template engines not well enough, misses a tiny useful feature here and there. This does especially hurt, when I want to reuse HTML sceletons, tags, HTML snippets or functions to generate them. That is where tundra stops working. Knowing the code a bit I also think I have a feeling that getting it there would be quite some work.
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Learning nginx

Until today I was just a copy+paster of nginx configs. I thought I had my share back when I learned and undestood apache very well, so why learn another one. But my nextcloud setup and letsencrypt that comes with it has an nginx "bundled", so I would like to understand things a bit better. So I started reading the docs and will take my notes here.
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Website Speed - Lab and Field Tools

When I was involved in page speed optimization, in my last job, I was always fighting for measuring in two ways. One using tools like webpagetest and lighthouse and two measuring the real user's experience, on the site. There are even names for it, I didn't know, until now:
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Restore deleted git branch

I had deleted a git branch locally, which I wanted to restore. It's totally easy. A tiny bit of knowledge upfront. There is something called the reflog, it's kinda like the hidden git history, that knows every change you did on the repo, every change, and it does NOT throw away anything.
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My Git Cheatsheet

Since I moved to Linux for work I started to look up and collect the git commands I need most. On Linux I do not have my beloved GitUp app which is an amazing visual and fully keyboard controllable git tool available for MacOS only. Here is my list of git commands. As usual I created this collection so I know where to copy+paste commands from ;).
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Github Action Features

While reading about github actions I note down a couple of things here, that I find worth noting and remembering. Basically I can imagine what it looks like, it's a travis with a tighter integration into github, but some details are interesting.
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Is it Github "Actions" or "Workflow"?

I wanted to deploy to github-pages using the renamed branch "main", but it seems not to be possible with github (yet) to turn on github-pages with a branch different then "master". So I thought it might be a good time to try out github actions, maybe this will help? If not I will have learned something.
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mov to gif converter

Since QuickTime on Mac is great for short screen recordings, but the web can handle animated gifs better, I need https://cloudconvert.com/mov-to-gif it's a simple and awesome service!
Pricing: "absolutely free for up to 25 conversions per day", totally cool. Thanks!


GitUp v1.1.3 is out

My favourite git tool GitUp, which allows me to do everything with the keyboard and still has a UI has just received an update and if I had not read the release notes I wouldn't have known that now the "Fix double clicking title not expanding window" landed. I had already trained my muscle memory and would probably not have realized.
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$ and $$ - Shortcut for document.querySelector[All]()

I still often type document.querySelector() or document.querySelectorAll() even though even before this was available in the browser the developer consoles, FireBugs or whatever they were called had a shorter version available $ and $$. Yep, it works almost exactly the same, just that one returns a NodeList the other an array. Just try it. It works in all browsers as far as I know, I tried Firefox, Safari, Chrome and Edge. See the image below for how it works in Firefox.
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