crafting (and) JavaScript

November 2015

In the last days I had to learn a lot about how to use, write and understand user stories. This talk by Mike Cohn is a pretty good kick start and summary for the hows and whys.

I just read a post about GraphQL, and because the headline and all the article contains so much excitment and passion for the topic I read it until the end.

I know that the calling of functions can be quite noise-less, no parantheses and commas. But it also leaves me baffled at times. I can't get my head around this one either.

Don't promisify fs.exists since this does not play by the rules of node style callback params, where the first one should be err and then data. It seems this does return only the data, which promisify understands as an error and does throw right away. Instead do what the node js docs suggest too and use fs.access instead, like so: promisify(fs.access)(aPath, fs.R_OK). See it in action [here in the cosmowiki].

I had been fighting for the last years, always again to make WebStorm run all my tests the way I want. I moved tests into the src folder then back into a tests folder. The latter is painful, since I have to keep the structures of two folders in sync that way, which is just inefficient, especially when I refactor so much, which I think is simply necessary and the right thing to do.

My laziness actually pulls me strongly towards #noEstimates. I guess it's because the "no" means I have less work to do. Which I could kind of back up with the argument Robert Weissgraeber gives at the beginning of his talk, which is that we should remove all unnecessary work, all waste.

Uncle Bob nicely shows the parallels between accountants and TDD. One value gets put on the asset side and the other on the liability side, they add up to be 0. And then he questions why accountants meet their deadlines, even though they do things twice. Accountants do this for five hundred years, its a "law". We still need to get there with TDD, but we are on the best way and I second that and try to do my part with the JSCodeRetreat.