crafting (and) JavaScript

May 2020

I posted the following on reddit, finding out that the bot does not permit it. Read how I discovered reddit, finally.

Since QuickTime on Mac is great for short screen recordings, but the web can handle animated gifs better, I need https://cloudconvert.com/mov-to-gif it's a simple and awesome service!
Pricing: "absolutely free for up to 25 conversions per day", totally cool. Thanks!

You don't need to rename all your ".js" files to ".ts" to go all in on TypeScript, you can go gradually. Adopt TypeScript step by step, become familiar with it in your existing JavaScript project. No need to put development on hold for weeks, while you convert the code base to TypeScript and fix all type errors. Read on to see how I adopt TypeScript for JavaScript for the sourcecode of jskatas.org.

First search result for "CSS reset" is by the mighty Eric Meyer https://meyerweb.com/eric/tools/css/reset/ from quite some time ago. And looking up the source of his site I see the reset is not really included, also no modified version as far as I saw it. Next I came across https://cssreset.com/what-is-a-css-reset/ which nicely explains the whys and also states the cons. Unfortunately the latter article is missing a date, so I can't say how old this knowledge is. That's why I was so very keen on having all items properly dated on my blog.

In October 17, 1990 IMDb started as a unix script.
December 25, 1990 Tim Berners-Lee releases WorldWideWeb (later Nexus) on Christmas day, the first ever browser for the web.
August 6, 1991 Tim Berners-Lee responding to a thread on the alt.hypertext Usenet newsgroup, publicly announces the World Wide Web project for the first time. The History of the Web has so interesting stuff. Very worth a read. A great site to spend a lot of time on.

I was just filtering a list list.filter(someCondition) and I only wanted the first element in case there is one. Doing list.filter(someCondition)[0] fails when the filtered list is empty. So I am using slice(0, 1), which returns the first element if there is one, an empty list otherwise. Now I do list.filter(someCondition).slice(0, 1) and never list.filter(someCondition)[0]. Such small things.