crafting (and) JavaScript

Articles tagged with #github (7)

[this is a draft]

I started learning github actions (and wrote about it). Not true. I was reading about them, trying to understand how they work. I invested one day, after clarifying the terms for me I figured out that I can go as simple as using some actions from the github marketplace and be done. But I prefer to understand what's under the hood. So I did dive in and found that there are multiple repos and more, there is a power behind github actions that seems to go beyond what travis, drone or jenkins offer.


Is it Github "Actions" or "Workflow"?

I wanted to deploy to github-pages using the renamed branch "main", but it seems not to be possible with github (yet) to turn on github-pages with a branch different then "master". So I thought it might be a good time to try out github actions, maybe this will help? If not I will have learned something.
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