crafting (and) JavaScript

Articles tagged with #open-source (7)

[this is a draft]

I started learning github actions (and wrote about it). Not true. I was reading about them, trying to understand how they work. I invested one day, after clarifying the terms for me I figured out that I can go as simple as using some actions from the github marketplace and be done. But I prefer to understand what's under the hood. So I did dive in and found that there are multiple repos and more, there is a power behind github actions that seems to go beyond what travis, drone or jenkins offer.

#open source

Open Source Sustainability

The title does not really enclose all the topics and cover the full value of this talk. Actually it is not explicit enough, because sustainability is a word that is being used in too many contexts and means too much. I would maybe rephrase the title to "The Real Cost and Value of Open Source and Why and How Your Company can Participate and Give Back". A bit clunky, but it tells the story I believe.
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