crafting (and) JavaScript

Tagged with #site-speed

Do you want to speed up CSS file loading? Do you also see this waterfall chart in the Network Tab of your DevTools? There is a simple measure to help the browser optimize loading assets. Preload them.
I think it is superior to bundling. It is less complex and has better caching behavior.

This is post #3 in the category "Browser Tools", focusing on understanding the loading times by charting them in a Waterfall chart. In part 1 and part 2 about Resource Timing I covered the attributes startTime, responseEnd, duration and initiatorType. Now I want to understand what happens after a resource starts loading and what do some attributes mean, like fetchStart, requestStart and responseStart, to mention the most relevant ones.

This is post #2 about Resource Timing, with a focus on understanding loading dependencies. In part 1 "Resource Timing - The API" I covered the attributes responseEnd and startTime. Now I will try to show how the API can be used to see which resources block each other, which is the step to understand before optimizing site speed, a very essential step to know what is the right thing to optimize.