crafting (and) JavaScript

Tidbits tagged with #web (31)


React: Hooks vs. Saga

I am currently working on a React Native app that uses redux saga heavily. My main concern with it is the traceability of code that goes together, the modularization. It is hard, if not impossible to know what belongs together, what is needed in combination with what.
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HTML Element <dfn>

HTML is getting more and more semantic it seems. I am seriously wondering what this means for building things like a blog, like this one here. It becomes more and more reasonable to write pure HTML, instead of markdown, doesn't it? Maybe I am just late and just learned about some HTML elements now. What a shame.
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Learning nginx

Until today I was just a copy+paster of nginx configs. I thought I had my share back when I learned and undestood apache very well, so why learn another one. But my nextcloud setup and letsencrypt that comes with it has an nginx "bundled", so I would like to understand things a bit better. So I started reading the docs and will take my notes here.
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Resource Timing - Part 3 (Waterfall Chart)

This is post #3 in the category "Browser Tools", focusing on understanding the loading times by charting them in a Waterfall chart. In part 1 and part 2 about Resource Timing I covered the attributes startTime, responseEnd, duration and initiatorType. Now I want to understand what happens after a resource starts loading and what do some attributes mean, like fetchStart, requestStart and responseStart, to mention the most relevant ones.
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Resource Timing - Part 2 (Loading Dependencies)

This is post #2 about Resource Timing, with a focus on understanding loading dependencies. In part 1 "Resource Timing - The API" I covered the attributes responseEnd and startTime. Now I will try to show how the API can be used to see which resources block each other, which is the step to understand before optimizing site speed, a very essential step to know what is the right thing to optimize.
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NodeJS Architecture Applied

The article Node.js, Dependency Injection, Layered Architecture, and TDD: A Practical Example, Part 1 by @Carlos GonzΓ‘lez gives a very good introduction of how to structure a (TypeScript/JavaScript) app. He links articles that allow one to dive deeper into underlying concepts and still explains the big picture very well. Great job Carlos!
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CSS - rem and em

Which unit to use, rem, em or even px (just to mention the most common units) when writing CSS seems to be an ongoing discussion. For people entering the space of web development the hurdle just gets higher, the complexity is continuously growing. There are more units than ever, I counted 21, there is more sites to learn from. It is not easy to figure out where and how to start.
I will try to analyze this a bit applying what I know and have learnt over the last 25 years of web development.
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HTML Elements not Upgradable to CBEs

More HTML provides a CBE (Customized Built-in Element) for upgrading heading tags such as H1, H2, ... to render a link-icon beside them, as many know it from github readme files.
I wanted to upgrade all picostitch sites automatically by just including a <script> which upgrades all headings on the page and adds this functionality.
It is not possible to upgrade a parsed and rendered element (like an H1) afterwards.
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CSS Reset

First search result for "CSS reset" is by the mighty Eric Meyer https://meyerweb.com/eric/tools/css/reset/ from quite some time ago. And looking up the source of his site I see the reset is not really included, also no modified version as far as I saw it. Next I came across https://cssreset.com/what-is-a-css-reset/ which nicely explains the whys and also states the cons. Unfortunately the latter article is missing a date, so I can't say how old this knowledge is. That's why I was so very keen on having all items properly dated on my blog.
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The History of the Web

In October 17, 1990 IMDb started as a unix script.
December 25, 1990 Tim Berners-Lee releases WorldWideWeb (later Nexus) on Christmas day, the first ever browser for the web.
August 6, 1991 Tim Berners-Lee responding to a thread on the alt.hypertext Usenet newsgroup, publicly announces the World Wide Web project for the first time. The History of the Web has so interesting stuff. Very worth a read. A great site to spend a lot of time on.